Moving Away from the Canadian Court System: SIIA’s Commitment to ADR
The South Island Indigenous Authority (SIIA) is in the process of developing an Indigenous dispute resolution model as a component of our draft child and family wellness law.
p̓aačiidʔaaʔtx Update
SIIA is committed to respecting and uplifting the unique cultural protocols and legal processes of each Nation we represent. As the only Nuu-Chah-Nulth Nation among…
IT Technician Training Opportunity
SIIA is looking to build IT Capacity within our communities! See the following poster and course description for more information!
Let’s Talk About Data (Part 1)
Since time immemorial the Nations on the South Island have collected data, and used it, to navigate the world and the relationships with their human and non-human kin within it.
SIIA Presentation at Camosun College For IST Class
On March 26th, Erica Pepevnak (Quality Assurance Lead) and Jenna Lancaster (Urban Community Engagement Lead) were invited to give a presentation to an Indigenous Studies class at Camosun College.
The Recent SCC Decision as a Critical Step in Recognizing the Inherent Jurisdiction of SIIA’s Member Nations
In a historic move, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) recently delivered a monumental decision affirming the constitutional validity of Bill C-92, An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, youth and families (“the Federal Act”).
Guest Community Reflections from our SIIA-CIRCLE Gathering
SIIA is unique in our approach to covering the Indigenous guest community with our law. This is in line with the traditional teachings of the territory that guide Nations to be good hosts to those residing on their territory.
SIIA-CIRCLE Gathering on Indigenous Jurisdiction over Child Welfare
From February 29- March 1, SIIA and the Centre for Indigenous Research and Community Led Engagement (CIRCLE) co-hosted the SIIA-CIRCLE Gathering on Indigenous Jurisdiction over Child Welfare.
2024 Indigenous Youth Gathering
On February 16, South Island Indigenous Authority hosted an Indigenous Youth Gathering at the Songhees Wellness Centre!
Community Fund Pilot Program
Over the past two years, South Island Indigenous Authority has funded community-based initiatives that support health and safety for families in community.
Knowledge sharing IN Sto:lo Territory
On Wednesday October 25, 2023, SIIA representatives Chuck, Jenna and Erica travelled to Chilliwack, BC, in Sto:lo territory, to attend and present at a conference, hosted by the Our Children, Or Way Society.
Inner Harbour Totem Raising
On October 4th, our team members were honoured to be invited to be a part of the canoe protocol and witness the raising of a totem pole by Tom Lafortune in the inner harbour.
Capital Assets Community Consultation
Throughout SIIA’s community consultation process we have had common themes come up in most of our engagements. One of the common messages we hear is that the best way to ensure…
Urban Kwakwaka’wakw Engagement Event
On Thursday June 8th, SIIA’s Urban Community Engagement Lead, Jenna Lancaster (?IXC’AMGILAKW) hosted an urban Kwakwaka’wakw engagement event at the…
Lets’emot (“Working Together”): A Knowledge Exchange Between SIIA and the Sts’ailes Snōwoyelh Department
During the month of May, SIIA organized a meeting with members of the Sts’ailes Nation who are involved in implementing Snōwoyelh Te Émí:melh Te Sts’ailes, the Nation’s child and family services law.
Honouring the XEUES SOŁ E TŦE ĆELÁṈEN Totem Pole at the Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre
Over the past two years, inmates and staff at the Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre have followed the guidance of Indigenous elders, such as Tom LaFortune, and collectively carved a totem pole that represents an acknowledgement of the First Nations who preceded the existence of the Centre.