Our Law

SIIA released our first public-facing draft of our Law in February 2024. Our Draft Law is informed through years of story-gathering, consultation, and community engagement with our Member Nations. Through this process, we are ensuring our Law is founded in the unique cultures, values, and traditions of the South Island communities.
In August 2024, we shared an updated version of our Draft Law. This draft was refined in accordance with the feedback and suggestions we received from community members and community engagement sessions since February 2024. While some aspects of our Law were affirmed through community engagement, other elements required significant revisions to align with the traditional and current practices and values of our Member Nations in caring for their children and families.
As of December of 2024, SIIA is pleased to share a final draft of our Law with the public and looks forward to releasing a new, updated Technical Document in January of 2025.
We continue to welcome and encourage community input on our Draft Law as we work towards a referendum in each of our Nations.
See our Draft Legislation below:
Final Draft SIIA Law 7.2
December 2024