SĆ’IȺNEW (Beecher Bay) Update

SĆ’IȺNEW (Beecher Bay) Update

SIIA remains committed to meaningful consultation and collaboration with Sci'anew First Nation as we work on the development of our draft legislation.  On May 25, 2023, SIIA hosted a community barbeque on Sutiacum Road, where we shared...

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Lekwungen Engagement Update (Summer 2024)

Lekwungen Engagement Update (Summer 2024)

SIIA remains committed to engaging with and working in collaboration with our Lekwungen communities.   From Fall 2022- Summer 2023, SIIA engaged in extensive community engagement with the Lekwungen communities. This engagement took many forms, including of...

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Community Fund Pilot Program

Community Fund Pilot Program

Over the past two years, South Island Indigenous Authority has funded community-based initiatives that support health and safety for families in community. The initiatives funded have varied as communities have advocated for their priorities and needs. Occasionally,...

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Knowledge sharing IN Sto:lo territory

Knowledge sharing IN Sto:lo territory

Sto:lo territory (Chiliwack, BC) On Wednesday October 25, 2023, SIIA representatives Chuck, Jenna and Erica travelled to Chilliwack, BC, in Sto:lo territory, to attend and present at a conference, hosted by the Our Children, Or Way Society. The conference was part of...

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Inner Harbour Totem Raising

Inner Harbour Totem Raising

On October 4th, our team members were honoured to be invited to be a part of the canoe protocol and witness the raising of a totem pole by Tom Lafortune in the inner harbour.  Tom dedicated the totem pole to the late John Rice to honor all the efforts him and his...

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Capital Assets Community Consultation

Capital Assets Community Consultation

Throughout SIIA’s community consultation process we have had common themes come up in most of our engagements. One of the common messages we hear is that the best way to ensure the healthy growth and safety of children is to invest in the overall health and wellbeing...

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Urban Kwakwaka’wakw Engagement Event

Urban Kwakwaka’wakw Engagement Event

On Thursday June 8th, SIIA’s Urban Community Engagement Lead, Jenna Lancaster (?IXC’AMGILAKW) hosted an urban Kwakwaka’wakw engagement event at the Mungo Martin House in Thunderbird Park. Members of our SIIA team had the opportunity to witness the event and meet...

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