SIIA remains committed to meaningful consultation and collaboration with Sci’anew First Nation as we work on the development of our draft legislation. 

On May 25, 2023, SIIA hosted a community barbeque on Sutiacum Road, where we shared information about the work SIIA is doing and received valuable feedback on what it means to have healthy children and families. Additionally, SIIA has hosted various events in community, such as ribbon skirt workshops, and beading and craft nights. These activities have allowed SIIA’s community engagement team to build relationships with Sci’anew members and learn more about what matters most to the community.  

We are also incredibly grateful for the ongoing participation of what of Sci’anew’s ‘Aunties’ within our Aunties Group. Our Aunties Group is a collective of Aunties from the Nations that SIIA represents who have helped to culturally guide and ground our process.

As we move forward, we are in communication with Sci’anew administrative staff to plan future engagement events. All input and participation from Sci’anew community members is encouraged as we work to finalize our draft law, so that the voices and perspectives of the Sci’anew Nation are represented and upheld by this law.