Summer 2022 Community Engagement- W̱SÍKEM (Tseycum)

Summer 2022 Community Engagement- W̱SÍKEM (Tseycum)

Over the summer, our SIIA team was grateful for all the Craft and Social evenings they were able to host in W̱SÍKEM. Despite the small gathering space available, we consistently witnessed a large number of community members come out to join us! In following our...
Fall 2022 Community engagement- W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip)

Fall 2022 Community engagement- W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip)

This fall, W̱JOȽEȽP Nation members were busy making Ribbon Skirts through workshops organized by SIIA and facilitated by the fantastic Crystal Brune. These Ribbon Skirt workshops were requested by community members and were an opportunity for SIIA to continue to build...
Summer 2022 Community Engagement: W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip)

Summer 2022 Community Engagement: W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip)

Over the summer, SIIA hosted four Craft and Social Nights for the W̱JOȽEȽP Nation! We are beyond grateful to everyone who showed up to these events and were blown away by the turn out. Over these sessions, we had a number of discussions about the work that SIIA is...
Fall 2022 Community Engagement- Songhees Nation

Fall 2022 Community Engagement- Songhees Nation

Since September, SIIA has hosted 4 workshops for the Songhees Nation which have included: A Ribbon Skirt Workshop (facilitated by the incredible Crystal Brune)A Cedar Rose Workshop (facilitated by Karla Joe and Gwen Thorne) Two Mini Cedar Hat Workshops (facilitated by...
Welcome to the blogpost

Welcome to the blogpost

November 2022 A Start to our regular reporting through our website The South Island Indigenous Authority Society has been operating since early 2019, but the idea of the Authority has been around for decades. SIIA is working to bring this vision, of exercising our...